

 但其實算一算,改變飲食習慣已經五個月了,最大的收穫除了體脂的改變,還有因為每天都吃飽飽,身體好心情好,生理期也不會再痛了! 身心都很健康的感覺很棒 

其實想要美的話,記住飲食佔了70%,運動其實只有30%的重要性。通常我幾乎是每天運動30-45分鐘,一週運動5、6天 休息1、2天或做瑜伽放鬆肌肉。 平日一天做有氧、一天練重量平均分配。


以前我該死的急性子個性常常想說他x的肚子好油!來天天怒跑怒游個一小時把它燒光!而且不知道到底是誰開 始謠傳說運動完吃東西會變胖的謠言,害我又累又餓也沒瘦多少有夠不爽,沒多久就放棄回到了七日蔬菜湯的輪迴裡面….原來事實是這樣:如果只靠有氧運動 瘦身的話,長期下來會消耗到肌肉的熱量,漸漸肌肉會越來越少,因為肌肉少,所以新陳代謝也會下降,減脂效果反而越來越低,可能一不做有氧運動就又胖回來 了,所以一定要搭配無氧運動來鍛鍊肌肉生長,才能有效的維持新陳代謝跟降低體脂率。

有氧運動我都是做慢跑或是快走,一次30-45分鐘,盡量不超過一個小時以免又壞了我練起來的肌肉量。有時候我還會測心跳率,維持在最大心跳率的 70% – 80% 區間燃脂效果最好(並不是跑越快越喘流越多汗就越有效喔)。無氧運動的話,我會練深蹲加重量、抬腿提臀、爬梯加重量、手臂舉重、仰臥起做、平板支撐等等的小運動。

重量訓練的重點是不能天天鍛鍊同一個部位的肌肉,因為長肌肉的過程是:肌肉充血肌纖維撕裂修復長肌肉, 所以肌肉是需要時間修復生長的。因此我通常會這樣安排:週一有氧,週二練腹肌與手臂,週三有氧,週四練腿肌與臀肌,週五有氧,週六日休息或做瑜伽。 時間多的話,也可以早上半小時有氧,晚上練重量,效果會更明顯。

今天太陽超大是去泳池邊曬黑的好日子(想說曬黑點好像看起來可以更精壯XDD) ???? 結果泳衣換好防曬油都擦了,到了才發現社區泳池三月還沒開放…因為不想浪費防曬油所以最後是到後院躺著曬太陽惹有點愚蠢


The shape of my tummy always shows only in the morning…

But it’s been five months since I changed my diet! It’s not only about changing my body-fat ratio but also to make me feel great and lessen those awful period pains. After only five months, both my body and my mind are much healthier than ever before.

The saying goes that abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym, so if you want to get fit in the right and healthy way, just remember that the importance of diet is 70%, the importance of workout is only 30%. To use myself as an example: I usually workout 30-45 minutes daily, 5-6 days a week and rest or do Yoga to relax my muscles 1-2 days of the week. I always alternate my workout schedule and do one day cardio and then weight-training for the next day during a week.

The purpose of doing cardio is to burn your body fat; doing weight-training is for training your muscles and toning your body. I used to be impatient and was eager to cut down on my body fat, that I went about my workout regime in the wrong way. I would swim and run for an hour every day without having a clear workout schedule or workout plan. In addition, I heard people say you cannot eat after workout, so after every workout I felt exhausted and hungry, but even then I still did not gain the results I wanted, and this is how I realized just how important a healthy workout and diet plan is, because the two work together and if you just have one, you will not get anywhere.

So that the fact is, if you try to lose weight only by Cardio, it will consume the energy from your muscles in long term, causing your muscles to get smaller and this, in turn, causes your metabolism to decrease, which will make it harder for you to burn body fat. This is also not a workout regime that you can sustain, because once you stop doing cardio for a few days, change your diet plan or start eating unhealthily, you will gain all the body fat that you worked so hard to loose. So it’s very important to do Cardio in conjunction with some weight training to maintain your metabolism and decrease your body fat.

I usually do jogging or speed-walking for my Cardio, 30-45 minutes at first. It is highly recommended that you do not do it longer for an hour, or it will start consuming your muscles’ energy and leave you utterly exhausted.  Sometimes I will test my heart rate during the cardio. Testing your heart rate can be a good indication of whether your work out is effective. The best fat burning zone is between 70% to 80% of maximum heart rate. (That doesn’t mean you can burn more fat if you gasp quicker or sweat more.) For aerobic exercise, I usually do squats with weights, butt lifts, stand ups with weights, arm lifts, sit ups, planks, etc.

The tip of weight training is to alternate the muscles areas you train every day and not train the same muscle area two consecutive days. The process of muscle building is:  muscles flushed, muscle ripped, muscle recovering, muscle building. Therefore, it takes time to recover and build your muscle. So my workout schedule usually looks something like this:

Monday: Cardio

Tuesday: Abs and Arms

Wednesday: Cardio,

Thursday: Legs and Butt

Friday: Cardio and rest or yoga in the weekend

You can also do Cardio for half hour in the morning and do weight at night to make your progress faster.

I will share my diet recipe and workout schedule next time!


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